Paine College to Host Dynamic Motivational Speaker: Earl Suttle
August 21, 2018
Paine College will host motivational speaker Earl Suttle at 11:00 am Wednesday, August 22, 2018, in the Sanctuary of Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial Chapel. Dr. Suttle will share his ‘pearls of wisdom' and speak about ways to overcome obstacles. Dr. Suttle has dedicated his career to conducting dynamic and entertaining keynote addresses while motivating students, professional athletes, and education and business leaders. The event is free and open to the public.
Following the Assembly in Gilbert-Lambuth, Dr. Suttle will convene with the Student Government Association at 12 noon. Dr. Suttle will engage Paine College Faculty and Staff on ways to gain greater insight into the Mission and Vision of the Institution from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in Candler Memorial Conference Center. Faculty and Staff will walk away with positive approaches to coping with the changing and challenging times and ways of building a stronger and better village.
For more information, contact the Office of Communications and Marketing at 706.821.8323,
"The trick is not only to excel at everything you want to do, but to enjoy the process along the way." - Dr. Earl Suttle